March 29, 2012
Cleansing the palette
I live in a nice apartment in Hamburg which is one of the most green cities in Europe. There is a wonderful row of trees in front of my house and a gigantic chestnut tree in the back. These trees, which I generally like, cause no end of annoyance when it comes to painting. Spring and autumn means no leaves and the general gloom is suddenly replaced with wonderful light. My apartment isn't so dark but when all the windows are fronted by thick foliage it does tend to block a lot of light. The Northern European winters are gloomy enough that the abscence of the leaves makes no difference. I am currently tempted to move my desk to avail of the ligh but in another two or three weeks the leaves will be out and the lightt will be back to normal. A big penthouse apartment would be nice, I suppose we can all dream!
I have been busy working on my Menites and I can confidently say I will have them finished this week. I did a bit of a rush job on the Cleansers but they are done. I gave them white helmets to separate them from the other regiment I have. These are the last unit I will paint for Menoth for a while. I know soon enough something will take my fancy and I won't be able to resist but I really want to get my Circle force up to a level where I am satisfied with them at this point. I will be playing mainly Circle from here on out.
I signed up yesterday for some tournaments here in Germany. The first one is in Kiel and has some funky rules. it is forty two points and infantry are restricted to twelve of those points. That really hampers menoth and so the Circle will have to come out and play. I am thinking that an eBaldur list would be good fun to try as I can easily get to tier four despite the restrictions. It doesn't really bring me much in terms of advantage but its nice to be able to say! I assembled the new Baldur model yesterday and attempted to sculpt a more decorative base. I wasn't very succesful. I can't see why the epic warlocks don't get the nice decorative bases like the epic warcasters! I will see today if I can make something more of the base.
March 28, 2012
Chieftan and Guide

The guide model has to be one of my recent favourites. He is really tiny and a little bit tricky to assemble. The pose though is outstanding. The chieftan is fairly standard and while the quality is very high the guide really shines. It would have been fairly simple to just have a standard enough pose for the guide but the fact he is down tracking someone is perfect.
I assembled my final unit today, a second batch of Flameguard Cleansers. The basecoat is almost done for them and I will have them done tomorrow. It looks like if I can power through the six of them I will have all of my menites complete by the end of the month. That's a strange feeling. I think it will be the first time I ever finished all of my models for an army. I know this doesn't preclude me from buying more in the future but its nice to know there is nothing more to do currently! I will need to get some form of a group shot once all is done I guess.
March 27, 2012
Allies are annoying!

I have just started taking classes again so time for painting is going to slowly wane as I get more and more work piled on top of me. Hopefully I can keep up a decent pace. I know that my spending on miniatures won't drop so I really don't want to make my lead pile to start spilling out of its neatly stacked shelf. It is not nice to notice that the amount of still boxed Khadorans I have is greater than the stock of my local store...
March 26, 2012
Idrians almost ready
I am finally recovered from holidays and the ensuing illness! It always seems to be the way, let down your guard and relax then come home sick. I guess it may be due to the copious Beamish and Karhu that was drunk in Ireland and Finland. I did have some good company while sick at least: The Elder Scrolls IV. So rather than painting I got to play that. It is no Skyrim but as my machine can't handle Skyrim its good enough for me. AT least that itch is scratched and I can get back to painting.
This weekend I was able to sit and make some progress on my menites. The first half of my Idrian regiment are done. These were actually fun to paint and nice to ease myself back into the groove with. I didn't put much varied colour into them. I want them to look fairly muted and I think that worked out decently. They are a little different from the rest of the menites but thats how it should be. They are just allies after all. Today I will be finishing up the last four and starting on the attachment. I want to get all of my menites finished this month which is going to be tough. Five days left and thirteen models to go! I think I can manage it.

March 12, 2012
Severius again

March 8, 2012
Gdaybloke's fault

March 7, 2012
A pair of Guardians

The Guardian is a neglected Warjack. For nine points it really is expensive especially when you consider how effective the Reckoner is for only eight.

March 6, 2012
Objectives done finally

I was a little disappointed when these didn't come with some cards. I think it would have been great if they were given rules like the objectives in Steamroller 2012 if not given those rules directly. ;aybe in the future something like that will be included in the box. I do hope that PP keep up making things like this. Especially some terrain pieces!
March 5, 2012
The Kreoss Project: part 6

This week I am having holidays in Ireland so plenty of Beamish/Guinness will be drunk. The Irish Masters was great fun and once I get back to Germany I will write up a report.
March 1, 2012
Kreoss for the Masters

High Exemplar Kreoss (*5pts)
* Revenger (6pts)
* Reckoner (8pts)
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Holy Zealots (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Holy Zealot Monolith Bearer (2pts)
Knights Exemplar (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Temple Flameguard (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* Temple Flameguard Officer & Standard (2pts)
The Covenant of Menoth (2pts)
Vassal Mechanik (1pts)
Aanyone got suggestions for change?
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