July 31, 2012

July 27, 2012
Friday Showcase - Bad Moon Dreadnought

July 26, 2012
Rusty Rails

July 25, 2012
Light at the end of the Tunnel

July 24, 2012
Progress on the Tower

Last week I played over 350 points of Warmachine. Three hundred of those points were part of a campaign between myself and Owen from Farfaraway. Owen is still editing the video of the one hundred point game. However he made a videos of the other games. These are the main body of the campaign and you can find them here if you are interested:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
The one hundred point battle was an epic clash that took us about five hours to reach a conclusion. Kromac should have been killed early but some poor rolls saved him. We reached a point where I would have killed at least one of the Cryx 'casters in the next turn and the attrition was heavily in my favour. It would have taken too long to finish that turn and pack up so we declared it a slight win to me which was an okay resolution. If Kromac had been killed earlier in the game I think it would have turned out a lot different!
July 23, 2012
Slow Train

July 22, 2012
The story follows Uthred, a dispossed noble of Northumbria, as he lives with the Danish invaders of his homeland and then journeys to Wessex. Wessex is the last kingdom of the Saxons and Uthred is torn between his heritage and his loyalty to the Danish. This is well exploited and provides some good internal conflict. The story really shines however when it gets to the battles. Bernard Cornwell describes these really well and you get some feeling of the massive pressure of the shield-walls and how the warriors there, almost face to face, struggle and die. So if you are looking for something good to read without overy complex plotting then I recommend this book. It is especially good as an audio-book.
July 20, 2012
Winterguard Backpacks

July 19, 2012
Demolition Corps reporting for duty

I am annoyed about the fact that I have ten more Man O War's to do. I don't like the poor quality of the plastic in the kits. I haven't opened the other two boxes yet and I am hoping that they are not as bad as the Demolition Corps. Cleaning up those models was a nightmare. I won't be moving onto them for a while though as I want to do some Winterguard next.
July 18, 2012
Iron Kingdoms Railroad Terrain

July 17, 2012
Father Guniefort
Last week I played a third game of SAGA and it was fun. I am currently playing in the Battle of Maldon campaign that is on the Tapestry blog. If you are interested in a battle report it has been blogged about here.
This model is from Reaper. I picked him up a while back to use as a cleric in a Dungeons and Dragons game. As usual the campaign was all too short lived and so I was stuck with three medieval priest models. I am fairly eager to paint some SAGA miniatures but mine are residing in a lead pile in Ireland and I have no access to them sadly. So to scratch the itch I painted this guy, Father Guniefort. I have no idea what a medieval cassock should look like so I went for a simple brown and grey scheme. I just wanted to get the miniature finished so I didn't go too crazy with the detail, not that he has much. I like the simplicity of the model. He can lead a brave band of Norman levies I think. I am tempted to pick up some Normans to play but I don't have any non-VASSAL opponents yet. I will hold off and play the game a little more before investing.
I am still finding the game fun though it has slightly too much luck involved. I won the last game based on two very fortuitous rolls. That has soured me a little to the game. I think that Warmachines probability curve has spoiled me way too much and now simpler games are a lot less appealing. The Fatigue and Battleboards save the game as they can mitigate the luck slightly. We still have a single game in the campaign to play and I will reserve final judgement until after that is played.

I am still finding the game fun though it has slightly too much luck involved. I won the last game based on two very fortuitous rolls. That has soured me a little to the game. I think that Warmachines probability curve has spoiled me way too much and now simpler games are a lot less appealing. The Fatigue and Battleboards save the game as they can mitigate the luck slightly. We still have a single game in the campaign to play and I will reserve final judgement until after that is played.
July 16, 2012
Motivation and lack thereof
I have been pretty lazy at both blogging and painting at the moment. Sometimes I just can't find the motivation to sit and paint.
However I did finally sit over the weekend and manage to get Rupert painted. I have been eager to do him for a while as he brings a lot to my menites and to my fledgling Mercenary force. I painted him in some new colours as I accidently bought three different versions of German camouflage and I wanted to use them. The trousers are painted with German Uniform (VJ) which is a really weird colour. I still can't tell whether it is blue or green. As a contrast I went for really vivid ginger hair. It might be a little too vivid but it is a good contrast. He does look a little like a leprechaun however. This week I will mainly be playing games as I am hosting Owen from farfaraway.org. He has some spare time here in Hamburg and we are taking advantage of it by playing an Annihilation campaign. That is going to be good fun and we might even squeeze in a 100pt battle! I have never played such a large game so that is going to be an experience. I am really curious to see how the game scales.

July 2, 2012
SAGA - first impressions

Battleboard: The battleboard is a strange beast. At the start of the turn you roll a number of dice and assign them to certain areas on the board. These areas correspond to unit types and general abilities. The unit type section allows you to activate one unit of that type for each dice there in the order you choose. Interestingly the better your unit is the easier to activate. Units can be activated as many times as you want during a turn. The other sections are thematic abilties. I played as the Anglo-Saxons and I was often getting bonus dice for defence. The main point of interest was the bigger my units the bigger the bonus I recieved.
Fatigue: Each subsequent action that a unit makes means it acquires a fatigue point. These can be spent at any point during a turn by your opponent to cause you some headaches. They can reduce your movement or your combat ability. This really gets nasty as at certain points you might be face to face with the enemy but moving into them would generate fatigue that will really cause problems. You can rest as an activation which reduces fatigue. Combining this with the battleboard generates a lot of tactical depth.

Here are some links to other interesting sites talking about the game: Game Play disscussion Tapestry Blog
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