I was bored last night. Sometimes when I have some sadly all to rare hobby time I just can't motivate myself. I wanted to paint but picking up the brushes just didn't feel right. Generally I find myself switching projects when this happens. I might pick out some Dwarves for a change of pace or even some Orks. However this time I decided to experiment with some bases. Not really exciting stuff but something I had been meaning to do for a while. I have two light 'jacks that are duplicates. In an effort to differentiate them I will not only alter the pose somewhat but I will change the bases. The first though I had was to do a jetty.

As you will have seen on the blog I have gone for swamp bases. A jetty is a nice easy architectural feature to add that is still characterful. A few minutes with some balsa wood turned out this. I would have prefered it to be more raised from the water but I didn't want it to look like my Revenger is on a platform. A lot of the decorative bases are carried a little too far and actually separate the model from the tabletop too much. I could have raised this a little more as the water will be pretty high once I fill the base. I will reserve judgement until I have the 'jack on this.

This second base isn't really swamp themed. I saw some thing similar to this on a Behemoth that was used to bring his second leg into contact with the base. With the larger area to work with it came out quite effectively. It looked as if the Behemoth was stepping over some trenchworks. I wanted this one to look like a retaining partition on the edge of the swamp. However when it came to painting this I realised that I had already filled the water area with grit. So unpreturbed I just painted it up.

Hopefully I will be able to use this to remove the silly running pose the Devout has. One leg can sit on top of the wood while the other is pinned into the base. Having done these I am pretty happy with how they came out and I would like to do some more. However swamp theme bases seem to just mean a bit of water in general and I can't come up with many more ideas. With often less than 50mm to work with it gets hard to put something effective on such a small surface. So I am not sure what I will do with the rest!
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