Now that I am getting some regular games in again I really wanted to get these guys done. They are some of my favourite models in the menite range. They remind me a lot of the Imperial Guard Stormtroopers. They also ground the game in a more fantasy setting for me, something at least when I got into the game first that was important. They really are the epitome of menite grunts. In most games they tend to get shot, trampled or generally destroyed! The are a unit I would definitely be interested in having a duplicate of, though that fact that you can only have one attached Officer and Standard per Warcaster means the second unit doesn't have the same visual feel.
So with these done it leaves me with not too many Prime models to finish before the end of the month. Basically I would need to get a Paladin of the Wall done and a unit of Deliverers. I would like to get a Revenger done and the alternative Paladin of the Wall also done. We shall see how much hobby time I can manage. One of the annoying things in the way is the fact that I can't order blisters of Deliverers here. Germany seem to be suffering a little from a shortage of supply on behalf of Privateer Press. Most of the shops can't get in units anymore and I managed to pick up the last box of Deliverers in the local area.
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