So that last of the Risen, well she isn't really one of the Risen I guess. So I sat down yesterday and got through painting her. The base isn't done as I wasn't sure if I should flock it or what. I will just cover it up as best I can once my grass tufts eventually arrive (ordering them might help with that!). She was actually fun in places to paint. I usually suck badly at doing cloaks but this time it came out fine. I didn't overhighlight for a change on the grey. I actually shaded it in purple to offer a good contrast with the green blade but it doesn't come out well here. The red clothing I shaded rather than highlighted as I wanted a really deep red, again with a hint of purple in the depths. It probably needs some definition as it is dull now. The metallics came out perfectly without having to do too much work. I got a little lucky I guess, throw enough mud at a wall and some of it will stick!

Here is the full unit. I am pretty happy with how they turned out. It took me a little longer than I would have liked, especially as I didn't put that much effort into them. So my Mercenaries are slowly turning into an army. I have Croe's Cutthroats back in Ireland, whom I shall collect in a few days time. I just need to get my 'Jacks done and then I am all set for a game. I did some work on my Nomad and I didn't have to strip him as I feared though the Talon is bound for a swim in some nail varnish remover. So maybe I can get them done and then some Steelheads and well I will have a fairly nice army in a few weeks. I just need a few tournaments to start attending now...
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